Jindabyne Central School
Jindabyne Central School is situated in the Snowy Monaro Regional Council area, at the base of the New South Wales Snowy Mountains. We are a school committed to educating the future and shaping respectful, informed learners. Our school values are aimed at developing resilient individuals who confidently, actively and in a socially responsible manner participate positively in society, valuing lifelong learning. Our purpose is to deliver a quality learning experience through a student centred learning environment that fosters life skills and a passion for learning. The school motto is Leadership and Citizenship and our school banner statement is Educating the Future. With these statements in mind the school is an expansive K to 12 Central School which offers a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy across all year groups. The K to 12 curriculum is responsive and flexible, with a strong academic focus and specialised cultural and sporting programs. The school has middle and whole school programs in music, sport, science, visual arts, dance, languages and technology. There is an emphasis on creating a culture of creativity, enquiry and engagement.
8-20 Park Road, Jindabyne 2627